Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Boy!

Today was a Great day for Bridger! I walked in to a great surprise...No Oxygen! He has done awesome all day!  They also pulled his feeding tube halfway through the day! If everything goes well we could be out of here very soon! He has to be off the oxygen for 48 hours and pass a few other tests. He is such a happy baby! Let's hope that when he gets out of this quiet, calm environment he can stay happy! It's going to be a big adjustment, there is a lot of noise going on at our house.

Thanks again for all of the love and support you have all shown. We couldn't ask for better friends and family!

This is what they call a "Swaddle Bath"
Bridger LOVED it!
If you look close you will see he is under a heat lamp after his bath... I think I need one of these!
All nice and clean! NO Oxygen, NO feeding tube and NO tape!


janalee said...

Yay for Bridger Boy! I was so happy to see him without all that stuff! What a cute and happy boy he is!

Shelly said...

Good boy, Bridger! This'll make me smile all day long