Saturday, May 11, 2013


May 11, 2013

Yay! No more lights as of today! Little Bridger is doing great! He finished his I.V. antibiotics as of tonight and is quickly weaning down on the oxygen. He is awake most of the time and wants all of the nurses’ undivided attention. He doesn’t seem to understand why he has to share her. He had one all to himself the first few days and now that he is doing so good one nurse takes care of him and 1-2 other babies…

They were happy to see me and let me hold him for three hours today. He was a happy boy! He still has a ways to go on the oxygen but if he is anything like Brinnley and Tucker were, he will be off of it in no time. Once our other babies turned the corner they took off and surprised everyone. He is doing the same thing already.

He had a great day today and his Dad finally got to hold him!

Let’s hope he keeps it up!

1 comment:

janalee said...

So cute! So fun to see him with Jaret. He looks just like him.
Happy Mom's day, I am glad yours will be a little less stressful since Bridger is being a good little man and getting better.
Love you bunches!